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Gears of War PC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:27 pm
by Reigo80
I bought Gears of War on PC and I exceed all the system requirments except for the 1G of RAM (It needs 1G of RAM to play and I have 1G). But quite often the game closes and I get a message saying "Gears of war has encountered a error and has to close. Sorry for the inconvenience." I was wondering if anyone knew why this is happening, I was thinking that i'm overclocking my computer and it closes GoW to prevent damage or something like that.
Any help would be nice, thanks.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:34 am
by que13x
It could be a lot of things causing your issue.
First off, are you on XP or Vista? If you are on XP when was the last time you reinstalled Windows? Are there a bunch of things running on the taskbar or in the background?

Did you go online and see if there were any Software updates for Gears of War PC?

What video card do you have? (ATI? I would recommend a new one from Nvidia) Do you have the latest drivers?

How many watts is your power supply? Do you have a lot of disk and hard drives?

Did you buy the cheapest RAM you could afford? Do you have more than one stick to make up that one Gig? Are they the same brand?

Overclocking could be the cause of your instability. If you do not want to clock down you might need to look into a better cooling solution. If that does not work you need to clock down or buy a faster CPU.

All of these are factors you should look into. I may even have left something out.