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Help! 1.5 firmware questions. Need recommendations :)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:31 am
by sois
Hi all, I am on 1.5 firmware and I love it so far. I have IRShell and NesterJ and they worked awesomely on my plane ride.

There are two things that would make this perfect:

A browser
MP3 player that supports playlists

Can anyone recommand any apps?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:25 am
by BKFraiders7
You mean a web browser? If so then update to a CFW. They give the best of both worlds. 3.71 M33-2 is pretty good. Need any help just PM me.

if you do decide to move up to 3.71 M33-2 u will also have to add the 1.50 support.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:39 pm
by newpspdude
3.71 m33-2 is the latest but i think 3.52 M33-4 is the best. you can have all the great themes it has all your looking for and it can play most new games! look in the tutorial section on upgrading your psp from 1.5 to 3.52 m33!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:15 pm
by BKFraiders7
Yea i told him that in a PM

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:19 pm
by sonic
every one keeps talking about these great themes for 3.52 m33-4 but I cant seem to find them anywhere except this site.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:25 pm
by BKFraiders7
I'l post it here and send you a PM sonic the website that is pretty much the BEST.

Here it is....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:09 pm
by Kanadier
iRshell has a web browser built in, but I'd suggest you upgrade to custom firmware.