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Post Wed May 10, 2006 1:54 pm

Little has yet to be know of this game. But here are some screen shots of FF 13, now I love all of the other Final Fantasies so this one looks great( would be better if if werent on the PS3 Lol) but yeah here are some screenshots.




Now whoelse here likes Final fantasy and think that this looks like a buy one to buy.

Alright here is a quote from Gamespot

Gamespot wrote:One of the most exciting announcements of E3 2006 just couldn't wait until Wednesday. Instead, Square Enix today revealed at its press conference not one, but three Final Fantasy XIII games. Two of those games are exclusive PlayStation 3 releases, while the other is scheduled to be released on "next-gen" mobile phones. The premier game in the series is Final Fantasy XII, which was shown off in a lengthy trailer at the Square Enix press conference. According to the press release, the entire trailer was rendered in-game, and it revealed quite a bit about the game but left many questions unanswered as well. Read on for the full details.

The Final Fantasy XIII trailer opened with a sweeping shot of a lush canyon filled with dense vegetation stretching beyond the horizon. The camera then slowly descended into the canyon to follow a speeding futuristic train that seemed to be propelled forward by passing through successive portals of some sort. Just as the train entered a dark cave it struck a barrier on the track and exploded.

The trailer then cut to the interior of the train, where a lithe woman with long grayish-reddish hair and two pistols was engaged in a battle with yellow-clad, futuristic soldiers. The stylish, fast-paced battle sequence showed the woman performing all sorts of acrobatic stunts while deftly dispatching of wave after wave of soldiers. Every so often, a faint blue light would come from her body, which appeared to be some magic discharge or perhaps a shield of some sort.

The scene cut to another train that sped along a winding track suspended high off the ground in a dark, possibly underground area. At this point a massive monster that looked somewhat like a weapon or summon from the previous Final Fantasy games appeared next to the track and began to attack the train.

The video then cut to a shot of hovering cars driving through a tunnel toward the camera before they were destroyed by an explosion. The next shot showed some massive airships flying around a floating cluster of tall, dark spires that appeared to be a city.

At this point we got a glimpse of the combat in the game, which appears to be very action-oriented. The dual-pistol woman once again was fighting wave after wave of soldiers, without breaking a sweat. The camera was pulled out slightly to show about 15 or more enemies surrounding the woman as she performed an inhumanly fast spin move and shot all of the enemies on the screen. As she did, icons popped up above each enemy denoting the number of hits and the word "chain," so it appears that the game will utilize some sort of combo system. In fact, if not for the pulled-back camera angle and numbers and words on screen, it would have been difficult to tell the difference between the cutscenes and the gameplay footage.

After the fight, the camera zoomed in close on the woman as she flicked her wrist and transformed her pistol into a large dagger or small sword, similar to a gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII. The next scene showed her walking through a very dense, green forest with crystalline structures throughout. She walked into the forest as if looking for something, then paused and looked around.

Then it was back to the floating cities as another train sped between buildings. A large flying manta ray type of creature flew down from above, landed on the train, and hijacked it. The creature looked mechanical but moved very fluidly and naturally. The trailer then ended with a line of text that simply stated, "PlayStation 3 Exclusive."

After the trailer Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy XIII producer, took the stage to explain a bit of the history of the development of the game. A year ago, the Final Fantasy X team was working on a version of Final Fantasy XIII for the PlayStation 2. That team was pulled off of the project to create the PlayStation 3 Final Fantasy VII tech demo that was shown at E3 2005. Instead of going back to the unfinished XIII project, the team scrapped the game and began work on XIII for the PlayStation 3.

The XIII team was assembled with specialized developers who focused on building a brand-new game engine, called the White Engine. This engine was developed to integrate graphics rendering, physics, cinematics, sound, and special effects. Square Enix promises that the White Engine will allow Final Fantasy XIII to take full advantage of the PlayStation 3 hardware.

Based on what we saw, the game looks to stick to the stylish blend of fantasy and sci-fi themes, although the overall feel is a bit darker than Final Fantasy XII. Several of the environments were especially dark and had the hard, cold feel of technology. By contrast, there were several areas that looked almost tropical and ethereal, somewhat like the land of Macalania from Final Fantasy X.

Although the trailer we saw was of course a very early representation of the game, there were some notable absences. There were no chocobos, no girls with rabbit ears, no moogles, and no massively oversized swords. We also didn't get to see many characters, people, or enemies. The trailer seemed to focus a lot on trains, guns, and that mysterious lady.

Final Fantasy XIII is the premier product in the newly announced Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis universe, which includes XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII for the PlayStation 3, and Final Fantasy XIII Agito for mobile phones. The tagline for XIII is "A tale of souls from a futuristic civilization illuminated by the Light of the Cystal." We'll bring you more details about the game as soon as possible, but until then be sure to take a look at the first images from the game on our gamespace.

If your a FF fan then you should love this, I mean it seems like they enchance gameplay eever more with each passing game. This quote tells how the graphics for the game have evolved from the past and how it will utilize the PS3 hardware to bring this game out to its fullest. There are two other FF's I believe as well.


Post Wed May 10, 2006 1:58 pm

Here are some screens for Final Fantasy III comeing to the DS






Thats all going to be on the Nintendo DS..Ha, looks good.


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Post Wed May 10, 2006 2:05 pm

again man... thanks for the information but just edit your posts there is no need to double post!


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Brew Guru
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Post Wed May 10, 2006 2:07 pm

yes plase no more double posting, great shots tho!
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Post Wed May 10, 2006 2:11 pm


Here is diddy kong racing for the DS



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Post Wed May 10, 2006 2:18 pm

ah well that game sucked anyways unless u knew how to get drumstick...
PS3 Friend Name:Supashay91
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Post Wed May 10, 2006 6:24 pm

Finally Metroid Prime 3 will be on the Wii with ever so awsome gameplay. This looks like a promising game that the Wii has to offer. The Wii mote will be used pretty good too. wasnt much information on this title though.

click HERE to view trailors from GameSpot

Here are some screenshots






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Post Wed May 10, 2006 6:43 pm

very cool, still dosen't mean that ima buy one lol just gonna emulate it with the ps3 lol
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Post Wed May 10, 2006 6:46 pm

right now i can't decide ps3 or wii mostly ps3 but i might get ps3 then wii cause i want to play zelda with the wii controller not gamecube.


Post Wed May 10, 2006 6:52 pm

OMG! the new smash bros!!!

Well, in recent light, I manged to come across the new smash bros for the Wii. And come to find out a new charater is arriving...guess who....SOLID SNAKE! lol, yep he will be joining the rest of the clan in this latest installment of one of the best fighting games around. Its schedualed for a 2007 release.

Joystiq wrote:Speaking at a special Nintendo developer event, Miyamoto has just unveiled Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii. Newcomers include: Pit (Kid Icarus), Zero Suit Samus, Wario, and ... Snake!

During E3 Last year, Miyamoto approached Masahiro Sakurai, the series creator and now independent developer, insisting that he make a new Smash Bros. To make it happen, Nintendo put together a team to assist Sakurai. The result is Super Smash Bros. Brawl, one of the first Wii titles to avoid motion-controlled attacks.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be fully compatible with the GameCube controller. Sakurai's reasoning is simple. He doesn't want to alienate gamers that prefer the traditional gamepad.

The game will feature online multiplayer. Singel-player mode will see some changes, but Sakurai has declined to elaborate. Miyamoto did say (via translator) that we can expect "a very robust" single-player mode.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl will not be a launch title. Sakurai has confirmed a 2007 release.

















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Post Wed May 10, 2006 7:28 pm

ugh, with sake, now nintendo's gone too far! *loads up gun and head to L.A* :twisted:
PS3 Friend Name:Supashay91
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Post Wed May 10, 2006 7:30 pm

Yeah, snake is more of a tactics guy...but its all good.


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Post Wed May 10, 2006 7:34 pm

they have seriouskly gone up there own donkey with this crap! NOW I'M TICKED!
PS3 Friend Name:Supashay91
Passion,Joy,Sorrow,Pain and tears.
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Post Wed May 10, 2006 7:37 pm

Metal Gear Solid 4!!!

click to veiw a 15 min trailer or HERE for gamespots




click HERE to see a couple of more screens.


Post Wed May 10, 2006 7:52 pm

Gamespot wrote:LOS ANGELES--Tonight at a special event in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Nintendo answered a question many visitors to its booth have been asking. Namely, why wasn't the new Super Smash Bros. playable in the Wii section of the publisher's massive E3 booth? Apparently Nintendo wanted to keep several aspects of the game under wraps from the public.

Official Trailer Don't miss out on the first trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii.
Watch | Download
The secrets were revealed at tonight's event, which gathered a select group of journalists inside a darkened theater in Nintendo's booth. They were treated to a brief movie of the new Super Smash Bros. game, which began with three veterans of the series--Pikachu, Kirby, and Mario--engaging in yet another free-for-all brawl.

The melee was joined by three more classic Nintendo characters making their Super Smash Bros. debut. Wario, Kid Icarus hero Pit, and Kirby villain Meta Knight soon jumped into the fray, followed by a returning character in a new form. That would be "Zero Suit Samus"--the Metroid Prime heroine out of signature power armor, and in a slinky catsuit.

Then the trailer took an even more surprising turn. The scene shifted to an unidentified installment in Konami's signature Metal Gear Solid series. Its hero, the rough-hewn commando Solid Snake, spoke with his compatriot Otacon via the Codec communicator, a staple of the MGS series. Otacon tells snake he's been invited to join Super Smash Bros., and then asks where he is. Snake says he's on recon, and then the camera pulls back to reveal Snake hiding inside a cardboard box inside the Super Smash Bros. arena. The inside joke elicited thunderous laughter from the crowd. The final title for the Wii game was then revealed--Super Smash Bros. Brawl, due in early 2007.

Click to Enlarge.
As the laughter died down, the lights came up, and Miyamoto retook the stage--where a second stool sat. After wondering aloud who the stool was for, he was joined on stage by Masahiro Sakurai, an industry vet who's worked with Miyamoto since Kirby.

Sakurai told the audience he'd says that he's gone independent and thought he'd never work on a Smash Bros. game again. However, last year around the same time as E3, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata personally asked him to help bring the series to the Wii. Nintendo even assembled a special internal development team for Sakurai, and the independent developer found the offer too great to resist.

Sakurai also told the crowd that he is still accepting applications to come work on the project. He said they have an office in Tokyo staffed by a group of people from diverse backgrounds, adding that they've only just begun work on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Miyamoto laughed at the comment, and pointing out that the team had been together since October of last year. Sakurai then joked that even though they have been working so hard, there's nothing more than the trailer to show for their efforts.

Click to Enlarge.
Miyamoto then opened up the floor to questions, which sparked an upbeat Q&A session. The first questioner asked, "Now that the Wii is a reality are you inspired to revisit older franchises the fans have been asking for?"

"I think it opens up a lot of different possibilities," was Miyamoto's response. He said he thought he could see a Wii version of Kid Icarus, and that the Wii controller could enhance games like Starfox. "Sadly, though, I don't have time to do that right now since I'm so tied to so many different projects going on," said Miyamoto via a translator. He then commented how it would be nice to add Wii controller support for virtual console titles.

The next question was for Sakurai, and was relatively simple. "What are some of your ideas for Wii games?" Laughing sheepishly, he said that he wasn't prepared to talk about anything just yet. He did, however, want to talk about Super Mario Galaxy. He said one thing he always wanted to do was have one person play as Mario and have others help out. As such, he is looking at a multiplayer mode [for Galaxy] where one person plays as Mario and another helps with the Wii controller.

Another question was presented to Sakurai. "How will Super Smash Bros. Brawl take advantage of the Wii controller?" The designer said he had been working with different ideas, and had found that too much use of the controller's pointing and motion-sensor functions was not a good thing. He then dropped a hint, saying gamers may not want to throw away their old GameCube controllers, which the Wii supports. Sakurai then said he wants to support the console, but offer something different than other Wii games.

The next query lowered the level of discourse a bit. "Will Wario have a fart attack?" asked the questioner, prompting giggles galore. "Yes, he will," said a semi-bemused Sakurai.

"Will the game's roster be expanded to include more Nintendo characters besides what we've seen?" was the next question. "Of course there are other characters we're thinking about, but we can't speak about any today," said Sakurai.

The next questioner raised a major issue, asking if Super Smash Bros. Brawl would support the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Sakurai said his team will try to take the game online, but he thinks it would be a hard to make four-player online work.

Click to Enlarge.
The next questioner commented how it was nice to see that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would support 480p widescreen, but wondered if it would be possible for the Wii to support higher resolutions. Miyamoto responded that Wii can indeed display in widescreen, and that it helps in Zelda, since you can see more of the world. However, he said it was up to the developers to determine if they want to use widescreen, but Nintendo will support it.

Then, the questions got simpler. Miyamoto told an audience member his favorite Wii title was tennis. He said that the main difference between the Wii Twilight Princess and the GameCube version was the interface, which has to be different to support the Wii's controller.

Then the subject turned to Solid Snake's role in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. After commenting it was a good question, Sakurai said he thought long and hard on how to fit Snake in, since he's usually armed with a gun, Sakurai said doesn't want to incorporate real weapons in game, but if they characters can use rocket launchers it might be funny, as would explosives. He also said Snake will use a cardboard box in the game

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