Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:40 am

Looks cool man...i was watching a teaser and saw some areas of it that might be good for a FFXIII gameboot.... ... ed&search=

check out 2:10 - 2:20 might be able to find a nice 4 seconds worth for a gameboot. Would be nice if gameboots could have a longer duration.

2:07 - 2:12 and 2:14 - 2:17 plus some clipping would make some pretty cool gameboots

acutally this was supposed to be part of my Final Fantasy theme but i'm not going to get it done anytime soon as my comps mobo fried and I'm on a laptop and i'm leaving on vacation so when i get back i'm getting my new comp but i'm going to draw up a pretty kick donkey bg and i'm going to figure out how to do some waves *some reason the concept doesn't click with me*