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SOCOM Fireteam Bravo



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Young Brewer

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Post Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:42 am

SOCOM Fireteam Bravo

Old game, I know, but it's the only PSP game that I've kept and still play frequently.


Many of the levels are in fact look very much like the PS2 versions of SOCOM, though grainy in many cases on closer inspection. At times, when ghosting online, or even in certain places in game whether online or in one player, you may be able to see through walls in certain places, the best example being on Village. When in the center of the cave, there are three passages, one leading directly to the terrorist spawnpoint/base, one to the Seals spawnpoint/base, and one to another part of the village, and it is at this latter passage that you can see an example of what I mean. Walk into the corner of that a rock lying on the path makes with the cave, and continue walking forward.

Aside from those few problems though, the levels look nice and are well designed, and the graphics often compliment the gameplay.

Graphics rating: 8/10


There is little in the way of music in game, though the sound effects and character voices are nicely done, though hardly anything new or unique. Variety of sound with each weapon depending on firemode and whether or not there is a silencer attached, as is to be expected.

Where this game really delivers with sound though, is with the use of the microphone in online play. Though quality may vary, and some rooms seem to have this mysterious inability to allow use of the microphone to specific people while allowing mics for others, the microphone adds tremendously to gameplay. Whether just chatting with teammates about the world's happenings, congratulating or trashtalking in the lobby, or stratigizing with teammates, the use of a microphone, in my opinion, is what makes the game.

Sound: 9/10


I'm not even going to try to sugar coat this: Don't get this game for single player. It's lacking. It's very bland, and confusing on certain occasions. Story jumps to four different places with little in the way of explanation, and gameplay in single player is rather lackluster. You have a teammate, but he contributes little. On several occasions, I ordered to him infiltrate rooms by ordering him to open the door to frag and clear. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to tell your teammate to halt the action, so he opens the door and discovers it's little more than a closet, the grenade comes bouncing right back.

Story: 4/10


I've pretty much shared my one-player gameplay expirience, so I'm going to go straight to talking online gameplay. The only thing I perhaps had left to mention about one-player is the use of LoneStar, your teammate, who I will once again dub as unhelpful.

Moving is easy, using your analog stick to move, and R trigger to lock onto enemies. You can just hold onto the R trigger so that you automatically lock on when you seen an enemy, which one could argue takes some of the challenge out of it, but I'm of the opinion that it allows you focus more on strategy. How you're going to lock onto them and start shooting before they have any clue where you are.

Freelook mode is only helpful with grenades and RPGs, and is otherwise a nuisance. As is the menu if you accidentally happen to hit the O button in the middle of a firefight, which is convieniently next to the X button, which is fire. The weapons menu can be annoying to use when you're in a hurry to change weapons, but it's still done so you can move around while changing weapons.

Game types online vary, including Captive (When you die, a teammate can revive you), Suppression (Standard Seals vs. Terrorists, die and stay dead), and a couple others that I don't play because I find them to often be annoying, the most annoying of which being Respawn, which is pointless and often plauged with spawn-killing and camping, though there is also Demolition and Free For All.

Captive is extremely fun, and again, the use of microphones makes it more so. You can send Friend invites, create or join a clan, and send messages to other players or friends.

There are many glitches to be spoken of, and often glitchers, but it is still very strong with it's online play.

Gameplay: 9/10

Overall: 8.5/10

Online play is excellent, but this game's main downfall is it's single player. It manages well with only one analog stick, and just because you lock on, it doesn't make the game easy.


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Post Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:10 pm

Awesome Job Sepheroth!!


Post Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:22 pm

Nice job, now do one on number 2!


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Young Brewer

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Post Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:29 pm

Mailas G wrote:Nice job, now do one on number 2!

I plan to when I get it (Hopefully soon. We'll see.), but until then, all that I know is that there are a lot of people on SOCOM FTB that say that they also have the second one, but still prefer playing the first online.

Also, if anyone reading this happens to play online, post you're username here. I'm --Sepheroth-- .(Including the dashes)

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Post Sat May 12, 2007 7:07 am

there is demo coming out soon on this game i cant wait i looks good


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Post Wed May 30, 2007 7:58 am

its a good game


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Post Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:33 am

I played the demo, it was pretty good. I plan on getting FTB2 soon.

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