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Valkyrie Profile Lenneth



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Post Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:48 pm

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth

Valkyrie Profile was a cult classic psx game and few copies were made Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is a port of this game for PSP

Ragnarok draws near and Odin calls upon the Valkyrie; Lennth to go to Midgard to recruit souls for the final battle between the Aesir and Vanir *gods and demons*

This game is not your typically setup RPG

Time countsdown till the final battle Ragnarok begins your job is to recruit souls to fight with the Gods in the final battle with the Vanir.
The game itself is divided into 5 chapters and is made up of so many periods. At the beginning of each chapter the you are given a request for a warrior to be sent up to Asgard *land of the Gods* this leads to what ending you get when you beat the game as you are given an open ended game

During your decent to Midgard you will encounter many different people to recruit and are customized by EXP and more importantly CP *capacity points*
Exp can be distributed evenly to different party members and as you level up you gain more CP which allows you to bulid a character to send to Asgard for Ragnarok.

There are three different modes of gameplay easy,normal,hard which allows someone who never played Lenneth or an RPG to get comfortable with it or can give someone a challenge.

Battles include four party members where their position in the formation determines their corresponding buttons

Weapons are also different as they're different stats to determine damage and many have a potential to break *mainly the strong weapons* and can become annoying in the middle of a battle

The cutscenes have been redone in CGI and there are new voices.
Navigating from dungeon to dungeon or to town is all done on a map
Dungeons are 2D sidescrolling

If your looking for a new experience Valkyrie Profile definitely is for you.
If your an RPG fan Valkyrie Profile is definitely for you
If you own a PSP then most defintely give this game a shot


Its remake of a rare gem for the psp and the battle system is a little hard to understand at times but overall is a pretty fun experience


Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:11 am

Nice I never heard of this game before though.


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:10 pm

yeah its one of those really good games not alot of people know

they also came out with another one called valkyire profile silmeria for ps2


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Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:16 pm

thats a werid name for a video game.

PSP AND HEAVY METAL FOR LIFE/ if u need help with 3.5 downgrade ask me./ECW/TNA/WWE


Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:55 pm

Im not surprised by how many games have strange names.

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