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Ape Escape: On the Loose



Brew Guru
Brew Guru

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Post Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:53 pm

Ape Escape: On the Loose

Well,The Ape Escape games have always been very appealing to me, Especailly this one.
Its not that its another ape escape game, its because its portable, Well heres the review by me

Well This one has the exact same story line as the first Ape Escape for the Playstation one, But just in case you've never played that one ill make this anyway.

First off, Specter is a Albino Carnival monkey.. Also the main enemy throughout the whole storyline.
You see the "professor" managed to create a helmet that allows the wearer to receive a massive amount of intelligence.
The way things turned out Specter managed to get this helmet and wear it, Thus making him very intelligent.
So he calls every monkey and invades the professor's laboratory, Because Specter knows that the Professor has a time machine. So Specter (and all the monkeys) go back in time to try to make the world ruled by monkeys. Of course the main character(spike) has Decided to follow Spector back in time to stop him.

So basically you have a net and a sword to start out with, The point of the game is to go from level to level catching Monkeys with the net. Each level has a specific amount of monkeys you have to capture. As well as, Throughout the levels theres coins called "Specter coins" by collecting these coins you may unlock mini games to play over Wifi with two players, or just one.

As you advance throughout the levels you get more weapons (Gadgets), Such as a Monkey radar, A remote control car, A slingshot, A hula hoop, A sky Flyer and much more.

So when you some levels you will get to fight specter ( like 4 times ).
Then Spike learns that Specter has brainwashed his friend Jake, and you have to do these little races against Jake every so often and if you win them you get 5 specter coins (which gets you closer to unlocking some mini games).

Well the final level is a carnival. After fighting Jake and all kinds of monkeys you get to fight specter (who is very hard)
Upon beating him, the helmet breaks, therefore rendering Specter to a Retarded Monkey again, And you have completed the game.

Overall Storyline: 6/10

The Graphics are actually quite good. Here are some screenshots.

Overall Graphics: 8/10

The controls, to me, are a little awkward (which ape escape games controls aren't?)
You move around with the analog stick, are you equip different gadgets by pushing X, Circle, Square, or Triangle.
To use your Gadget you simply hit whatever button its assigned to.

It can get a little frustrating due to the fact that you have more than 4 gadgets. When this happens you have to hit select and reassign whatever gadgets you need to have. Other than that the controls are pretty Decent.

Overall Controls: 8/10

Full game overall: 7.5/10

If you see this game at any store for around twenty bucks, I highly recommend buying it.

-I take requests to do game reviews-


Post Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:11 pm

Yes this game was the best on playstation when I got it for Christmas.
I just wish they would do Ape Escape 3 on PSP. That was the best out of 'em all.

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