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Help new to PSP and this site and pspWxp102 question



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Post Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:36 am

Help new to PSP and this site and pspWxp102 question

Wow this site is massive. I may be in over my head here. I am mom and wannabe techie trying to do neat stuff with 2 new (used) PSPs. I think I might have messed up b/c the first thing I did was realize that one used PSP was version 1.5 and the other was 2. something. So, not knowing what I was doing I set out to "update" the 1.5 one. Found 3.5 and "updated" them both. Now I am learning about cool tricks/hacks and am not sure if I can go back. Anyway, one question that sent me on the google search that led me here is....
#1 I downloaded pspWxp102 from Cnet last week. Put it on one PSP and it seemed neat. Tried to put it on younger son's and it will not install. It says permission denied. Any ideas.
#2 Also, how do I make sure that the "tricks" I find on the internet are not going to kill our PSPs?
#3 Last question, I have a 9 and 12 year old. Both just got PSP's for 12 year old's @@@I know it's ridiculous to give younger bro PSP for other ones but a Mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do to maintain peace! and I got great deals on both@@@ Anyway, what are the must haves for these ages. I saw a PSP that had mega nintendo games on it. Thought that was real cool. How do they (y'all) do that? Thanks and feel free to suggest away. Roni


Brew Guru
Brew Guru

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Post Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:33 am

1. Havent ever used that program, but have you tried installing it both ways to troubleshoot? Also, we are going to need more details as to what you were doing and when this message occurs.

2. Just stick to the more trusted sites of the psp community. Make sure you read the instructions before proceeding as well. We have a fairly large collection of downloads on our page as well.

3. Those are what we refer to as "emulators". The emulator is the system, and the roms are the games. In order to run these, you must have either 1.50 firmware or any custom firmware. Now that you have updated to 3.50 your going to need to run the 3.50 downgrader which can be found here.. ... mware.html You are going to need a lumines umd to be able to run the downgrader. Once you've downgraded i suggest upgrading to custom firmware 3.03 oe-c or 3.40 oe-a. Anyways, once you have gotten to 1.50, post back here and a member will walk you thru to the next stage.


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Post Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:03 pm

Staxx, Thanks for the info! I'm on it. Don't laugh....but do you mean we are going to need lumines the game to downgrade??? If so, that is so neat! Unfortunately, I am spent out right now. I just bought two used psp's and a used PDA. I hope I can find a site like this one when my verizon xv6700 pda gets here. Anyway, it'll take a while for me to get stuff ordered and paid for but I will check back here ASAP! As for others who have the time...I'll be checking back frequently. :lol: Thnaks again, Roni


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Post Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:20 pm

Ok! I just went to the N00bz site. I am sooo excited. I cannot believe I am being so brave as to monkey with these things. I also can't believe that it took me 42 years to learn that companies like Verizon (new PDA) and Sony go out of their way to put limitations to certain products in order to control how I spend my money! It sure feels good to rebel a little! Can't wait to get started. I am going to get the Lumines game ASAP. It looks like one I might like. I'm not fast enough for racing or shooting. LOL Thanks again for info and I'll be back ASAP. Roni


Brew Guru
Brew Guru

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Post Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:49 am

1 if the pspWxp "installer" says access denied than extract the pspwxp folder from the .zip and put it in the root of your psp and when you open the web browser make shure the address is


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Post Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:44 am

blackzmage thanks! Problem solved. I did have to add "htm" to what you typed out. But, I extracted the file the copied to psp root and my 9 year old is playing checkers as I type! :lol: I know this was nothing but I feel so smart LOL! After all, I don't usually use words like "root" and "extracted" unless someone needs serious dental work. Thanks again, Roni

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