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Running UMD ISO's on my PSP...



Young Brewer

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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:20 pm

Running UMD ISO's on my PSP...

I think Mailas' topic is similar to this one... I'm currently trying to dump my PSP's ISO using UMD Dumper. When I finish dumping all of my files, what to do so that I can have them on my memory stick and play the game without using the UMD?

Also, does network (WiFi) gamesharing or play still work? I hope so.

Finally... How much space does an average PSP ISO take up on a PSP memorystick?




Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:25 pm

Go to recovery and enable No UMD.
The ISO depends, it can vary from 100mb-1.5gigs


Brewology Moderator
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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:00 pm

Compressing ISO's (making them CSO's) helps save a lot of space on your memory stick depending on the game. Some games have a lot of filler that can be taken out of the ISO without changing anything.


Young Brewer

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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:34 pm

How would I compress it to a CSO?

Oh, and would Tekken DR be able to be compressed?



Brew Guru
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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:33 pm

Alright first off, i have to ask this...what firmware are you using? The reason i ask is because the only firmware capable of running home made iso/cso files is custom firmware.

1. Anyways, if your looking for a guide of how to dump your umd's and then change them to an iso you can find one here ... ailed.html

2. Yes wifi/multiplayer/game-sharing should still work so long as you do everything correctly and you dont rip those areas out of the iso.

3. An average iso ranges from 100mb - 1.7gb. You can further compress these in umdgen by using cso format i believe. And to compress it even further you have the option of taking out uneeded/unwanted bits and pieces of the game such as radio, intro, movie, and anything else you might want to take out.
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Young Brewer

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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:09 pm

Firmware: 3.03 oe-c. I'm about to upgrade to 3.4 oe-a

I don't see a compression for .cso format in UMDGen anywhere. :-/ Maybe I'm missing it?



Brew Guru
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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:28 pm

sorry, the program for compressing to cso is iso compressor or ciso...
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Young Brewer

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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:38 pm

Thanks, found it through Google. Do I just compress it to a .cso then stick it right onto my memory stick or what?

I've seen something about DevHook...?



Brewology Moderator
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Post Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:09 pm

with a custom firmware you don't need any applications to run iso's/cso's. Format your memory stick after you upgrade, and put your iso/cso in the iso folder. Make sure no UMD is not enabled and you have a UMD in your PSP. With those settings you just go to games>memory stick> and you can boot your iso's/cso's right there.


Young Brewer

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Post Sun Jul 22, 2007 3:03 am

Oh, okay.

The .cso didnt seem to compress my game that much... It dropped it perhaps 50 MB or so... Should it be compressing more? And yes, I used compression level 9.

Thanks again all.



Brewology Moderator
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Post Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:22 am

Some games compress a little, some a lot. If you have a big memory stick (2g or 4g) Then 50 megs/game could allow 1 or 2 extra games to be loaded on. It really depends on the game. My smallest is 62.2 megs and largest is 1.49 gigs. I would say most of my games are around 300 and go to around 500 megs. Converting to CSO helps a little and you don't lose anything. Don't forget save files take up space too, so by compressing iso's it's like they are making room for their own save files... lol.


Young Brewer

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Post Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:30 am

Alrighty, then I guess Tekken DR has a 1.2 gig .cso then.



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