Post Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:23 am

followed totorial bout flash games but wont work! help!

hi i posted a post in totorials yesterday and i think darkpacman answered. he gave me a link to your totoriel about playing flash games via internet. i am a total psp noob and only jsut got my psp so please no cleaver words! Wink basically i tried following the instructions on the max arcade pack. i placed the winzip folder which included the read me and the plain file called maxarcadepack and then i enabled falsh like it said but then when i typed in the address it keeps saying "the content cannot be displayed" i have version 3.03 and i tried the other version of doing it but i couldnt go into recovery mode. i turned it off my normal way- hold down for a few seconds. then i held the r button the see through one, and it wouldnt work so i went on the method i told you about earlierand that has worked exept for the internet thing i told you about. plz help a total psp NOOB. thanks guys

(btw i posted this in flash eairler and no one aanswered so i thought i chnage it to help. hope you done mind.