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Half-Life problems



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Super Brewer
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Post Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:23 pm

Half-Life problems

When ever i play Half-life 2 The graphics are bad and the slow. but i just got a new computer with alot of memory. so i tried to change the settings and the game freezes. what should i do. get the new direct x. help

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Post Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:19 pm

mimne works well if i had internet and my comp is old what typ do u have MAC or somthen?

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Post Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:54 pm

Get a good graphics card. What do you have like onboard graphics with shared memory or something?
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Post Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:05 pm

Yea just because you have a new computer with some RAM doesn't mean half-life real run perfectly. Heck, for all we know you could be running like 5 AV's while you try to play half-life and halo 2 at the same time :lol: Management helps great with PC games. I mean I have on board radeon X200 video, with a 512mb stick and 256mb stick of RAM, and a 2.18GHz AMD64 Athlon processor and I play Oblivion without lag. Just my 2 cents :p How much ram you got? video card? OS? Got any spyware from looking at porn? We need some specs if were gona help you. ;)
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Post Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:09 pm

close all apps, and try deleting some program files... It takes longer for the comp to access that folder if it needs to go thru all the other folders to find that one...

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