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~Make Backup ISO Files of UMD Games Then Compress to CSO~



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Brew Guru
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Post Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:27 pm

~Make Backup ISO Files of UMD Games Then Compress to CSO~

Well I made the tutorial a while back, I figure a lot of people would like to know how to do this.

LOOK HERE: The cfw 3.52 and up have a built in feature of this, just stick the UMD you want to rip into your PSP and plug in the USB cord to connect your PSP to your PC. Then press the select button to bring up the vsh menu. Scroll the USB Mode option until you see 'UMD Disc'. Enter USB mode and you should be able to copy your game ISO to your PC. If you do this, rush past steps 1-3 and onto step 4.

NOTE: This tutorial is meant for the purpose of making backup files of your psp games in case if something happens to them, or to make a file to put on your PSP to play the game, to rid the need of carrying all the discs of your games. It is not meant for illegal purposes of distributing the files to others. This program requires the use of firmware 1.5.

Files You Will Need:

1. USBSSS_100(the ripper):
2. UMDGEN v4(the compressor):

Step 1: (Download)

First, download the 2 links above and open up the ‘USBSSS_100’ folder.

Step 2: (Positioning the file)

Once you open ‘USBSSS_100’ go from MS_Root/PSP/Game, and you will see the two files you need. Copy and paste the ‘%__SCE__USBSSS’ and the ‘__SCE__USBSSS’ folders onto the PSP’s ‘GAME150’ folder under MS/PSP/GAME150. Then exit out of USB mode, but keep your usb cord plugged into the psp and computer.

Step 3: (Creating ISO file)

Stick which ever PSP game you want to create a backup iso file from into your PSP. Then go to the Game icon in the xmb menu (the main psp menu which includes the Video/Game/Photo/ and Music icons). Once you are in the Game icon, go to ‘Memory Stick’ and you will see the program ‘USBSSS_100’, click on that. Then the menu will pop up, click on the very first option ‘Virtual FAT16 . UMD ISO-9000’.

The PSP will then connect to your computer and a iso file will show up on your computer. Copy that iso file onto your desktop or wherever and let it copy over. On your PSP screen, there will be a % option under ‘last access’ wait for that number to go from 1% to 100% and then back down to 0%. Keep watch on your computer, it may take 15 minutes to copy the iso file from your psp to your computer.

(NOTE: This may take quite a while, do not disconnect prematurely, as your iso file will be incomplete. If your psp stays at 98 or 99% for very long, don’t worry, it stays around there for quite a while. However, if it stays on one of them for longer than 10-12 minutes, disconnect and look on your computer for the file, and then put it on your PSP in the ‘ISO’ folder in the base of your memory stick to make sure it works.)

Step 4: (Compressing to CSO format)

Once you rip the iso file, you can compress it to make it a much smaller file. The file we are looking to convert it into is a .cso. Open UMDGEN.exe and a window will pop up, there is a blank area on that window where it says “no items to show”. Drag the iso file you just made over to that section and the files will show up on that screen. Once you have the file set up in UMDGen, then click on the option ‘Save’ with the floppy disc icon. 3 options appear to save the file as: .iso file, .cso file, or .dax file. Now, we are looking at .cso file. Click on the .cso option and chose a location to put the file and let UMDGen convert the file into a cso.

Step 5:
Once the file completes converting you can put the .cso file into the ‘ISO’ folder in the base of the Memory stick. Congratulations, you have created a backup iso file of your psp game and converted it to a .cso file to reduce the size of the file.

You can also shrink the CSO further by deleting certain files such as .pad files.
You may also delete the BOOT.BIN file and the 'UPDATE' folder under

You may also see folders/files that represent different languages - EX: 'en' = English. 'fr' = French. 'gr' = German. 'jp' = Japanese. or W/e. You can delete the folders/files that represent any language other than the one you prefer.

By doing this, you can clear up an abundance of space.


If you have any problems with this just ask and I will try to fill you in and help you resolve the problem.

If the above links to downloads happen to be down, tell me and I will happily re-upload them for you.
Last edited by AdventWolf on Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Brew Guru
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Post Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:34 pm

Thanks, I've used it quite a bit :wink: . No not really, but I do use UMDGen a lot trying to make the files smaller and removing unnecessary stuff. I think now they just make the game files huge and have random unnecessary stuff so they take up a lot of space on your memory card.


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Post Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:58 pm

It's a pretty nifty tool :D


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Post Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:27 am


thats very good tool :D


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Post Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:37 am

Yep, I imagine a lot of people use this. I don't carry any of my UMDs on me.


Young Brewer

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Post Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:47 pm

I feel stupid but I have been unable to get this to work. I think I've created the CSO file correctly but I can't get it to show up after copying it onto the memory card.
ANy help would be awesome. Thanks


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Post Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:54 pm

So you have been able to make the ISO file? And you are working on converting it to CSO? And you are trying to copy it to your Memory Stick? Thats right?


Young Brewer

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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:49 am

Yes, the UMDGen looks like it converted it - it's full of data with the game picture in the corner.

When I copy it onto the memory card and try and play it the card says that there isn't a game -

One Thing of note - When I was copying the game to the PC it went to 100% and that's it - I waited and waited but it didn't go back down to zero.


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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:35 am

Hm, I guess its ok as long as you DID get the iSO file. Where you able to get the ISO file to play? And you are putting the CSO file in the 'ISO' folder in the root of the memory stick right?


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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:26 am

When the ISO comes over it's in Winwar format so I just dragged that onto the UMDGen to get the CSO - I never tried the ISO until right now and I wasn't able to get it to work on either 1.50 or 3.40 OE-A
I have two PSP's - one has 1.50 firmware and the other has 3.40 OE-A

It needs to be in the MS_ROOT file right?

Some of my memory cards don't have a ROOT file


Young Brewer

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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:49 am

I also have another question - You say this program requires 1.5 but I couldn't get the ripper to show up when the memory card was in my 1.5 - it only worked in my 3.40


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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:14 am

Gladiator18 wrote:When the ISO comes over it's in Winwar format so I just dragged that onto the UMDGen to get the CSO - I never tried the ISO until right now and I wasn't able to get it to work on either 1.50 or 3.40 OE-A
I have two PSP's - one has 1.50 firmware and the other has 3.40 OE-A

It needs to be in the MS_ROOT file right?

Some of my memory cards don't have a ROOT file

No, the MS_ROOT file is useless. You know what the 'BASE' of the memory card is? Where the VIDEO, MUSIC, PSP, ISO and all those folders are? Well if there isn't a ISO folder there, make one. The ISO/CSO should go in that folder.

Also, the ISO shouldn't be in winrar format what you use this tool, only when you would download a game would it be in winrar format. What is the name of the ISO when you first use the USBSSS_100 tool to rip the UMD? It should be named 'UMD9960.ISO'


Young Brewer

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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:23 am

The Winwar file is UMD9960.ISO

After I extract the files which one's do I copy to the PSP memory ISO folder? All of it?


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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:34 am

When you first connect the PSP to your computer VIA USB and enter USB mode, the base of the memory stick should pop up. If not, go to My Computer and you will see all of your drives. The memory card might be called 'Removable Drive'. Then click on that. Inside you will see something like this:

Now extract the WinRar ISO so that it looks like this:

Put that ISO file in the 'ISO' folder. It should appear on the memory stick. I use 3.40 OE-A. I'm not sure why it didn't show up on your 1.50. You can't see it in your 'GAME' folder?


Young Brewer

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Post Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:34 am

I extracted the file and ended up with a folder called PSP_GAME and BIN File called UMD_DATA.BIN
I copied that into the ISO folder I made on the memory card and tried to play it on both PSP's with no luck

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